Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Debian
    Debian is an operating system built on the linux kernel.

  2. CLI Commands
    These are various commands used in the command line interface we use in debian linux.

  3. Modern Operating Systems
    In the past, the market for operating systems was much more diverse that it is now. Previously there was much competition between various operating systems such as MS-DOS, BSD, UNIX, etc., and there was no one commonplace operating system as we have now. Currently, Windows is the most commonplace OS for consumers, excluding more industrial applications. Modern operating systems now act as the interface between software and hardware, and manages most basic tasks like memory management, file management, managing I/O, and other essential processes.

  4. Structure of Operating Systems
    Operating systems can utilize various structures, mainly depending on how the components of the OS are connected to its kernel. One of such structures is the Simple Structure, in which the interfaces and levels of functionality are not well separated. An example of an OS utilizing such structure is MS-DOS. Then there is the Layered Structure, in which the OS can be broken down into a number of layers based on its complexity. This has the advantage of simplifying the debugging process and isolating problem spots into their own layers. However, this type of structure can slow down some processes, as data has to be modified and passed on in between layers. Then there is the Micro-Kernel structure, which removes all non essential components from the kernel and implements them as programs. This results in a smaller kernel, which provides the added benefit of keeping the whole OS secure if one of those services fails. Finally, there is the Modular Structure, which separates various services into modules that all connect into the core kernel of the system. It resembles the Layered Structure in a way.

  5. Abstraction in Operating Systems
    In the field of Operating Systems, we deal with abstraction a lot, and various layers of logic. These are terms which are used to describe the various levels of complexity that go on in a computer. One of the levels we’ll be dealing with is the Logical Layer of the Operating System. This layer deals in high level functions, such as file management, networking facilities, etc.

  6. GNU/Linux
    This is a section which I’m somewhat familiar with. Linux is an Operating System Kernel developed by Linus Torvalds as a fork of UNIX. To this day, there exist various distributions which utilize the linux kernel, such as Debian, Redhat, Kali, Arch, etc. The term GNU refers to a collection of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) that is widely used in Linux distributions. The topic of the linux kernel leads to the next topic,

  7. Kernel
    The kernel is one of the key components of an operating system. Its task is to run various programs and securely access the computer’s hardware. There are 4 main types of kernels: Monolithic Kernels, which has all the OS’s required functionality within the kernel itself, which is best used in large servers. Then there is the Microkernel, which reduces the amount of memory required for kernel use, and is commonplace in real time systems. The Hybrid Kernel is a mix between Monolithic and Microkernel. And then there is the Exokernel, whivch solely offers process protection and resource handling.

  8. Curabitur mauris neque, mollis feugiat ante id, molestie eleifend nunc. Cras tincidunt bibendum dignissim. Donec non mauris tincidunt, aliquam lorem eget, porta odio. Maecenas ac arcu urna. Cras congue tellus lacus.

  9. Nine
    Mauris urna libero, varius in purus nec, tempor pharetra lorem. Vivamus lorem nisi, mattis ut tellus at, tincidunt cursus libero. Curabitur vehicula placerat neque eget iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Cras condimentum leo a libero cursus lacinia.

  10. Ten
    Nunc imperdiet gravida lorem vitae tincidunt. Phasellus tristique nulla at justo finibus pulvinar. Phasellus in leo vitae sem congue sollicitudin eu sed risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin in erat fringilla, pulvinar nisl quis, vulputate purus.